
Astrological Consultations

Natal Chart Reading

A natal chart reading aims at bringing greater insight and depth to knowing yourself. We could say that right here we have the map of your life and all you came to learn in this incarnation. It will give you insights into all areas of your life, help you gain self-confidence and direction. Click to Book!

Current Transits Reading

A transit reading takes a look into how the existing planetary placements impact your natal chart. It helps gives you insights into events and situations that are unfolding in your life and gives you insight and direction into making wise choices and navigating these times successfully. Click to Book!

Solar Return Reading

A solar return reading helps us gain insight into the themes and energies of the year ahead following your birthday. We could say it is a specific map for the year ahead and will give us insights and help prepare us to go deeper and make wise choices based on the energetic impulses we receive. Click to Book!

Relationship Reading

A relationship reading takes a look at the energy dynamics in the relationship and is a valuable tool in constructing a happy, lasting and fulfilling relationship. Learning more about the energetic impact you have upon one another, the benefits and challenges, you will go to a whole new level. Click to Book!

Astrology Courses

Courses & Workshops

We offer courses and workshops on all kinds of astrological related subject. If you want to learn about astrology and have no previous knowledge, we have courses and workshops for beginners. We also offer courses on intermediary and advanced subjects that take the student on a more in-depth exploration of their chart, giving newer and deeper perspectives on all the elements of the chart; the planets, the zodiac constellations, the houses, aspects and also journeying into the mythology and psychology behind the astrological archetypes and how these energies impact our psyche.

Coaching & Training

1-2-1 Coaching and Training

We also offer 1-2-1 coaching and training, either in the area of astrology or in the area of personal and relationship coaching. Astrological knowledge about yourself and your partner will help develop many areas of your life. Whether it is relationships, intimacy, love, eros, health, finances or even a general well-being program tailored to your own energetic structure as defined by the astrological chart can bring great reward in self development and building a happy, healthy life and relationships.

Sacred Astrology

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+44 7903 027932

By looking into the heavens, we learn about ourselves.


Telephone: +44 (0)7903 027932

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